All the Cares in the World is an original one-woman show, written and performed by Cindi R. Maciolek and produced by Cindi R. Maciolek and 7480 Entertainment.
The show offers insight to the world of the 24-hour caregiver, and Cindi pulls from her own experience in that role.
“When Mom was alive, I would share stories about my caregiver experiences with friends and family who would laugh to the point of crying,” Cindi says. “I kept joking that I would take the show on the road once she passed on, so here I am!”
The show takes you on a ride, from Cindi’s origins in Detroit, through her years living in San Jose, California and Las Vegas, Nevada, and ultimately to convincing her Mom to join her in Sin City.
“Of course it’s sad,” continued Cindi, “We all know what happens in the end. I miss my Mom terribly! But a lot of funny things happened along the way and the stories are just too good to keep to myself.
“This is the greatest tribute I could give to my Mom, and I hope by sharing our story, others will be able to see the true joy in the difficult work of caring for a loved one.”
After a period of staged readings and script edits, performances will begin in Las Vegas, Nevada. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please complete a Contact form for more information.
Cindi is also writing a memoir of the same name.
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